Neil T. Dantam

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Neil Dantam is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Colorado School of Mines.

Neil's research focuses on robot planning and control. He has developed methods to combine discrete and geometric planning, improve Cartesian control, and analyze discrete robot policies. In addition, he has worked on practical aspects of robot manipulation and software design to ensure that new theoretical techniques can be validated in the physical world.

Previously, Neil was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Computer Science at Rice University working with Prof. Lydia Kavraki and Prof. Swarat Chaudhuri. Neil received a Ph.D. in Robotics from Georgia Tech, advised by Prof. Mike Stilman, and B.S. degrees in Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University. He has worked at iRobot Research, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and Raytheon. Neil received the Georgia Tech President's Fellowship, the Georgia Tech/SAIC paper award, an American Control Conference '12 presentation award, and was a Best Paper and Mike Stilman Award finalist at HUMANOIDS '14.

CV PDF / Brief Bio (txt)

I am currently recruiting students for research. Please contact me if you are interested!

Recent News

Robot Team Data Collection with Anywhere Communication was accepted at IROS.
Failure explanation in privacy-sensitive contexts: An integrated systems approach was accepted at ROMAN.
A sampling and learning framework to prove motion planning infeasibilityPDF was published in The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR).
Sample-Driven Connectivity Learning for Motion PlanningPDF was accepted at ICRA 2023.
Givenness Hierarchy Informed Optimal Sentence Planning for Situated Human-Robot InteractionPDF was accepted at IROS.
Exponential Convergence of Infeasibility Proofs for KinematicPDF was presented at WAFR.
Learning Proofs of Motion Planning Infeasibility(External Link) was accepted at RSS.


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Office Hours, Fall 2023
Tuesday 2:00-3:00pm and Thursday 11:30am-12:30pm
Associate Professor, Colorado School of Mines
Brown Hall, Rm 280H
Colorado School of Mines
1610 Illinois St.
Golden, CO 80401